2024 Board Summaries

Board Summary: October 2-3, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its latest monthly meeting on October 2-3 at the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) in Raleigh and online. In response to the recent devastation in Western North Carolina, State Superintendent Catherine Truitt presented DPI’s Hurricane Helene relief asks, which includes requests to the NC General Assembly for approximately $166 million in relief funds, as well as statutory and regulatory flexibility.

In regard to relief funding, DPI is requesting approximately $16 million to hold school nutrition staff harmless for missed days, and $150 million for building, equipment, and technology loss. Non-funding asks include a separate hold harmless provision for all affected public school unit (PSU) staff, as well as school calendar flexibility, remote instruction flexibility, educator preparation program internship exceptions, and continued principal bonuses for impacted local education agencies.

In addition to discussing hurricane relief and recovery needs, the SBE also heard a presentation on low-performing school districts, which prompted a lengthy discussion on the Board’s current lack of faith in North Carolina’s school accountability data metrics. Vice Chairman Alan Duncan noted that the current accountability model often creates misleading, negative perceptions for members of the public regarding our state’s K-12 schools. Read NCASA’s full meeting summary from this special session HERE.

Board Summary: September 4-5, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its latest monthly meeting on September 4-5 in the newly renovated Board Room at the Department of Public Instruction in downtown Raleigh, NC. The meeting opened with a presentation of student test performance results for the 2023–24 school year, highlighting continued advancements across most grades and subjects. Notably, there was a significant rise in both college-and-career readiness and grade-level proficiency in mathematics. Schools also demonstrated improvement on key accountability measures, with an increase in performance grades of A, B, and C, and a corresponding decrease in grades D and F. Additionally, the State Board heard proposals for two potential educator preparation programs: Want More?

Do More! and iteach, which will be considered for approval at the October meeting. The Board also voted to approve proposed permanent rules for interscholastic athletics. Of note were the potential rules for Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL). These rules outline required contractual provisions, preconditions, permitted and prohibited activities, reporting requirements, and stipulations to ensure NIL is not used as a recruitment tool. Discussions also addressed financial management and protections for students receiving NIL funds, and what options are available to support students. Read NCASA’s full meeting summary from this special session HERE.

Board Summary: August 7, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held a remote, special called meeting August 7th to discuss two action items that needed immediate consideration. The SBE approved a permanent rule for parental leave, which includes the substantive provisions of the temporary rule but adds provisions clarifying the opt-in process for charter schools and the availability of parental leave under circumstances involving adoption, foster care, miscarriage, or stillbirth. Additionally, the Board approved the contract for Dr. Rodney Shotwell to be Interim Superintendent for Weldon City Schools. Read NCASA’s full meeting summary from this special session HERE.

Board Summary: July 31- August 1, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its latest monthly meeting on July 31 and August 1 at the Department of Transportation. During the meeting, the SBE received a report from Superintendent Truitt showing that for the third year in a row, NC students outperformed the national average on K-3 end-of-year literacy assessments. Supt. Truitt stated during her presentation, “To have so many students improve this early in our state’s new literacy journey is a wonderful surprise. It speaks to the dedication of our teachers and the efficacy of the professional development coordinated by NCDPI’s Office of Early Learning.”

The State Board also heard during the meeting recommendations from the North Carolina High School Athletics Association (NCHSAA) Commissioner Que Tucker on a “name, image, and likeness” (NIL) policy for high school student athletes. Tucker reminded the board, “If a policy [or] rule is passed, it’s not to allow students to pay to play, [it’s] because we love education based athletics. We want to ensure that [students] can retain their eligibility while in high school.” In addition to these updates, the SBE approved adjusting the exit criteria for students identified as English Learners to align with federal policy, as well as modifications to the NC Public School Personnel Salary Schedules and Manual. Read NCASA’s full August meeting summary HERE.

Board Summary: July 11, 2024

The State Board of Education held its latest monthly meeting on July 11 online. During the meeting, the SBE received an update on how the Portrait of a Graduate skills matter to North Carolina employers. The presentation of the research provided a data-based review of skills required in growing occupations and demonstrated how durable skills are directly correlated to higher wages in North Carolina. It explained how NC must move to a new model of assessment incorporating durable skills built inside and outside of the classroom. In addition to this update, the SBE approved the use of the current academically or intellectually gifted definition in legislation to be adopted as the statewide definition; the addition of kindergarten to Read to Achieve Alternative Assessment and Twice Retained (KNEC 003) definition; and the use of portfolio-based assessment system (tasks & rubrics) in applications for administrator licensure. To conclude the meeting, State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell provided critical updates concerning K-12 education. He addressed court cases related to pension spiking, the transition of the State Health Plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield to Aetna, the new legislation permitting charter schools to opt into the State Health Plan, and concerns regarding school districts failing to report funds and services, which in turn impacts employee retirement. Read NCASA’s full July meeting summary HERE.

Board Summary: June 5-6, 2024

The State Board of Education held its latest monthly meeting on June 5-6 at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation on NC State’s campus. During this month’s meeting, the SBE heard an update on middle and high school students’ mental health, which showed that students’ mental health is improving as they become more physically active, and that social media is playing a growing role in their lives and subsequently their mental health. In addition to this update, the SBE approved changes to Health Education K-9 and Physical Education K-9; the Middle/Junior High School Athletic Manual; and the NC Public Schools Allotment Manual. Read NCASA’s full June meeting summary HERE.

Board Summary: May 2, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its bi-annual Planning and Work Session in Boone on April 30–May 1, and held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 2. During this month’s meeting, members received an annual update from the Office of Charter Schools, which included data on accountability and performance framework; charter growth; enrollment and demographics; academic performance; and funding. In addition to hearing updates on these topics, the SBE also approved changes to rules for School Reform Models and changes to permanent rules on Paid Parental Leave. Read NCASA’s full May meeting summary HERE.

Board Summary: April 3-4, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its latest monthly meeting on April 3-4, during which time the Board heard an update on mid-year reading assessment data, which shows NC students in grades K-3 are outperforming their peers across the nation in reading growth benchmarks. Board members were also presented the draft 2022-2023 State of the Teaching Profession Report, which indicates “a need for targeted and differentiated beginning teacher support,” according to a press release later shared by NCDPI. In addition to hearing updates on these topics, the SBE also approved changes to its policy on charter school renewals and additional funding for the After School Robotics Grant Program. Read NCASA’s full April meeting summary HERE.

Board Summary: March 6-7, 2024

The State Board of Education held its latest monthly meeting on March 6-7, featuring a surprise visit on Thursday from NC Governor Roy Cooper, who recently proclaimed 2024 to be the “Year of Public Schools.” During his remarks, Governor Cooper highlighted the ongoing successes of North Carolina public schools, noting record graduation rates, increased workforce credentials, the highest number of National Board-certified teachers in the country, and recent improvements in early grades literacy, among other examples. In addition to praising the important work being done in public schools, the Governor also shared his concerns with the recent expansion of the Opportunity Scholarship Program, commonly referred to as “private school vouchers.” Governor Cooper seemed to receive pushback on these comments from some of his Republican colleagues in the room, including Board member Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who earlier in the week secured the Republican nomination for the state’s next Governor. Read NCASA’s full March meeting summary HERE.

Board Summary: February 1, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its February 2024 monthly meeting on January 31 — February 1, during which time Board members approved the SBE’s 2024 short session legislative priorities, among other items. These priorities include a request for $4.5 million to continue funding efforts to transform schools designated as low-performing, joint requests with the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regarding school behavioral health, and support for DPI’s ongoing efforts around early grade math improvements, expanded literacy professional development for middle grades teachers, and expansion of early literacy screening to include fourth and fifth grades. During her update to Board members on Thursday, State Supt. Catherine Truitt further expanded on these priorities to also include ongoing efforts to redesign school performance grades, as well as continued funding for the Office of Learning Recovery at DPI. Read NCASA’s full February meeting summary HERE.

Board Summary: January 3-4, 2024

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its first monthly meeting of 2024 in Raleigh and online on January 3-4. During this month’s meeting, SBE members approved temporary rules for the parental concern hearing process required by the Parents’ Bill of Rights, as well as for the new three-year high school graduation program, among other items.  To access NCASA’s full January 2024 SBE meeting summary, click HERE.

Board Summary: December 6-7, 2023

The State Board of Education (SBE) held its last regularly-scheduled monthly meeting of 2023 in Raleigh and online on December 6-7. SBE members approved a new policy establishing the “minimum requirements” for the Parent’s Guide To Student Achievement, which districts must begin sharing next school year, and also heard new data reflecting continued improvements in early grade literacy, among other topics. To access NCASA’s full December 2023 SBE meeting summary, click HERE.

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