Advocacy, Legislative & Policy News

We Make Sure Your Voice Is Heard

NCASA is proud to provide non-partisan advocacy to represent your interests and promote strong public schools in the halls of the North Carolina General Assembly and before the Governor’s Office, State Board of Education, State Retirement System, State Health Plan, and other policy-making entities. We are your advocate, and your network, providing you direct access to the laws affecting your school or district right now. 

In addition to providing high-quality and low-cost Professional Development offerings, NCASA helps you connect with your own state lawmakers to urge them to “Support Our Local Public Schools” by addressing the needs and priorities you think are most important for the students you serve. Plan to participate in one of our Advocacy Days to make your voice heard, and take advantage of our new Advocacy Center that gives you tools and resources for easily communicating with legislators on time-sensitive issues.

Advocacy Center Resources For NCASA Members

NCASA is excited to share the recent launch of our new Advocacy Center located on the NCASA Member Portal, which provides a one-stop-shop for you to learn about the latest education issues, connect with your lawmakers, and more!

The Advocacy Center is available exclusively to NCASA members and offers a wide variety of resources, such as:

  • Helpful background information on key budgetary issues impacting K-12 public education such as the further expansion of Private School Vouchers.

  • A customizable advocacy message that you can share directly with your legislators using our new legislative messaging software, created by SoftEdge.

  • In-depth articles on legislation and policy issues affecting K-12 education published by our expert Advocacy Team.

  • Links and resources to help equip you with proven strategies that can positively impact students, personnel, and your community.

  • And much more!

To access these materials members must log into our Member Portal. For questions or for more information, contact us at: 

Advocacy News

PEPSC Sends Forward Principal Portfolio Assessment Recommendation

The North Carolina Professional Education Preparation and Standards Commission (PEPSC) met Thursday, May 9, to hear a presentation from the Principal Task Force on recommendations for the North Carolina Principal Portfolio Assessment (NCPPA). The purpose and work of the task force for the past few months was to gather broad stakeholder input on the portfolio-based assessment system and internship component.

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General Assembly Passes Budget Technical Corrections Bill

State lawmakers this week quickly passed a 60-page bill that includes various “technical corrections” to the 2023 state budget passed in October, including several changes related to public education. While many of these provisions are limited to certain districts, a few of the changes will affect all public school districts, including a clarification that allows for parental opt-out of student participation in the North Carolina Youth Tobacco Survey, a requirement that high school students complete the required Career Development Plan within 90 days of enrollment (beginning with the 2024-2025 school year), and more.

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