NCASA & NCSSA: Superintendents' 2024 Advocacy Guide
It has never been more important for your voice to be heard, and time and time again when we meet with legislators about education, they say they are not hearing from superintendents or other educators in their districts.
Join NCSSA and NCASA on a Tuesday or Wednesday in May in Raleigh to take your district’s legislative priorities and concerns directly to lawmakers BEFORE they adopt a revised state budget for 2024-2025, set pay increases for school personnel, and consider further expansion of private school vouchers that are siphoning students, resources, and community support from your schools!
Make plans now to join your superintendent colleagues for a day of advocating for the needs of your students, staff, and schools!
Click the button below to let us know you’re coming!
In addition to sharing priorities with local lawmakers, superintendents and other school leaders should prepare to make informed decisions about all candidates and then vote in the Nov. 5th General Election that will be critical in shaping the future of public education in NC. Consider implementing a non-partisan voter education drive in your district ASAP to boost the numbers of educators who can vote and encourage your staff, eligible students, and their parents to research all statewide, local legislative, and other candidates and then vote for those who support public schools. Here are some resources to assist with this effort:
- Maps
- Reference Materials
To download a hard copy of the maps, click HERE.

NC Legislative Building
NC Department Of Public Instruction Building
301 N. Wilmington St., Raleigh, NC
(Located in Halifax Mall)
There are three parking locations that are in close proximity to the buildings attendees will be visiting:
LOCATION 1: Lot 75
Located in the 300 block of North Salisbury Street in the ground Level of the parking deck
LOCATION 2: Green Square Parking Deck
Located at the corner of Edenton and McDowell streets in the 2nd and 3rd level of parking deck 77
LOCATION 3: Visitor Parking – NC State Archives Building
Located directly across the street from the NC State Archives and at the corner of Jones and Wilmington Streets

Additional Parking Information:
Rates charged by the hour Monday-Friday –
Lots are controlled by the Department of Administration
Visit the State Parking Division or call (919) 807-4499 for more info
Visitor Information:
Members of the public are welcome to attend sessions from the public galleries on the third floor of the Legislative Building.
No passess required (seating may be limited on opening and ceremonial days)
Seating is on a first come basis
No smoking is permitted in the Legislative Complex
Photography is allowed
Applause, demonstrations, and food and beverages are prohibited in the galleries
The public is also welcome to attend committee meetings. See the Legislative Calendar for the full meeting schedule.
Rules of State Legislative Building and Legislative Office Building
Legislative Priorities
Legislative Information
Helpful Legislative Links:
Legislative Calendar: What will your elected officials be doing day-to-day?
Look Up Bills (by number) being considered by the NC Legislature
Find your local lawmakers’ information so you can contact them.